Tuesday 1 May 2012

WIP with J

Today I had a wip with Jonny, he said to keep going with the facts that I am currently illustrating and said that it was an interesting way of telling her life story - I know I've said it a million times, but I've found out some amazing facts about her that most illustrators would jump and down to draw, she really did lead such a strange and mysterious life. I am currently using the portrait like circle to tell the tale of her world and using facts to tell the viewer more about Woolf's life.
I feel this has been an easier way for me to show her life as it is in short sections, a small fact detailing one part of her personality. Jonny encouraged more of this, and as we speak I plan to illustrate "Woolf once had a Singer car that she drove into a hedge". I mentioned that she suffered from depression, and often horrible things like Opium and cocaine were used as remedies for simple things like headaches, I'm wondering if she crashed her car because she was taking such prescribed 'medicines'.

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