Monday 30 January 2012

'Personal statement'

Holly Harwood, 21, student (see photo above for washing pile), and slightly awkward.

Influences include:
Taking photos, writing notes to myself, reading, knitting, small tea shops, my cat, scratchy drawings, listening to embarrassing music, charity shops, traveling, collecting cutlery and kitchenware, obsessing over Ghost chairs, visiting art galleries, and Italian cuisine. I tend to procrastinate, and I generally struggle with gauging time scales. I feel repulsed by anything mathematical and I have a fear of ladybirds, this prohibits sitting under trees in the summer. On the theme of summer, I forget to reapply sun cream and wonder aloud why I am burnt, yes, I am that person.

Artists I am influenced by:
Alice Tait

Grady Mcferrin

Lucinda Rogers

Thin line drawings of objects
Images using thick ink
Hand sewing onto images
Book folding
Using collage
Screen printing
Lino printing
Mono printing

Creative cv

Presentation document contents

I have decided to use this blog as a way of documenting my final major project, I feel that physically making a diary will hinder my project making me fall behind. The presentation document will act as a guide to help me process thoughts, ideas and influences during the last project I undertake in further education. I hope this will help me to think about my project and to assess what I will have achieved and what I want to explore further.

For the whole of this unit I will need to have a combination of: Studio work, this presentation document and a self promotion brief.

Reflection on last project:

For my last project (narrative) I chose a subject that I felt was close to me, the lecturers encouraged pursuing something that was of great interest to us, so I went for the theme of "The A-Z of Kate Bush".

Obviously 27 images over the span of 8 weeks was slightly over ambitious, so I instead decided on my version of an A-Z of Kate Bush using only the letters of her name. I knew early on I wanted to do a book so I set upon making images on the musician.
Initially 'research' seemed easy and fun, I enjoyed listening to her music - I always had, and looking into song lyrics, but after a while I soon realised that Kate Bush - although an eccentric performer and singer - leads a very private personal life, so I struggled trying to find new information that I didn't already know about her, and what ultimately the person who viewed my work would know about her. Now with this hindsight, I would of extended 'fact' and made it a homage to her rather than a factual A-Z, I think by doing that I would have had much more interesting images - something to keep in mind for this upcoming project!

The method of application I chose was to screen print my book, I found that after days spent in the printing room making the images via screen print, I wasn't quite happy with the final outcome. I decided to digitally print the book and edit the screen printed images. Now looking back on this decision I wish I had kept to the original prints but I felt at the time that it was an improvement on what I had already done.

Both Jonny and Pete mentioned at my critique that they much preferred my screen prints, and that maybe I should of used different paper to screen print onto - a tip I will be taking forward as I now dislike the digital book!
I think what I have learned from the previous project is valuable. Although I researched the subject as best I felt I could, I didn't then move on and try a different avenue when I became stuck on what to make images from. Unfortunately I think the project didn't go deeper than the surface level and for that reason I shall try my hardest not to make the same mistake and back myself into a corner when trouble arises.

Finished Kate Bush book